Thursday, 3 May 2007

Final Message

Overall I have enjoyed making this production. I felt that from the beginning it was always a risky project to do. Things such as not getting enough footage of a bird/mammal or poor footage etc. however I had confidence that I could pull it off. Three things that I believe was the reason that my production was a success at all was:
  1. As I am interested in animals, I had a wide knowledge of the animal kingdom and I felt that it has played into my advantage.
  2. Watching wildlife documentaries. Even before I carried this project out, I have been watching wildlife documentaries for many many years. For as long as I can remember. Once I learnt about the film language and documentary conventions, it was really easy to understand when I was watching them. Also when it came to editing, I had a clear idea/vision, of how to construct it and the script writing. But I was struggling at the beginning, however it was only once I made a link between things such as animals that I finally had a foundation to work from.
  3. I felt over the whole time it was probably my decision making that was the main reason. Every decision that I made, especially the BIG decision was spot on. Even from the beginning I had to make a choice of whether to do an animation or a wildlife documentary and their I have chosen the right one. Also my decision on whether to present my documentary or not, choosing soundtracks and many others.

The whole project has been fun for me. From the filming to the editing. Only when waiting for the Foxes was my patience being stretched, otherwise I was lucky.
To conclude, in terms of the Media Studies Award Evening next year, I just want to wish EVERYONE GOOD LUCK! and may the best production win.

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