- This week I have stayed up every night working from 10pm till 12-1am doing the production.
- I feel that I have made progress as I made progress but not as much as I would have liked as I was editing at nightime, I understandably felt tired at times, however today (Snuday),I am going to work all day (starting from when I finish this progress report)editing and in between I am going to have to take some time off to revise for the Media Module 1 Mock exam which cuts some of the time off.
- Today I am going to continue editing my production, as I am to have blocked everything in and start looking closer and deeper into things and where am I going to put this shot, effect on audience. Also I am going to gain some help in making my introduction as this is the only area I am struggling with.
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Weekly Progress (Week begining 19th March 07)
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Self Evaluation
- Attainment- -A
I feel that I have maintained my standards, although I also feel that I have had a little bad patch.
- Effort- 1
I personally always give 100% in my work in all my work.
- Punctuality - 1
I only came in late once, and that was coming from the park whenI was filming, otherwise, I am always on time for my lessons.
- Submission and Quality of homework- 2
I feel that for the first time I have slipped at this section and I am extremely disappointed as this is one of my main strenghts in media
- Ablilty to work independantly- 1
I am currently working on my own in my practical production hence this is one way of showing my ability to work independantly. But also I work well on my own because I can focus and get progress done with my work.
- Quality of writing-1
I feel that as time has gone on I have improved in the quality of my writing in terms of using key concepts and analysing, however one thing I need to practice on and have lacked in most of my essays is concept flow.
- Organisation of media folder-1
Currently I have organised 3 folders, one for Mrs.Stevens, one for Mr.Bush and the third solely for my Practical Production. Organisation is one of my main strenghts and I feel that I have always been able to find what I am looking for when I am going through my folder
- Oral Contribution in the class-2
I feel that I do make a contribution, but not enough
- Quality of Coursework-2
Currently I am at the editing stage and can't say much about the quality. In terms of cinematography, I feel that some areas I of high quality e.g. A close up shot of a Grey Squirrel, while areas of poor quality such as the shot involving Starlings on a rooftop (which I have taken out). Overall I feel I am progressing and I feel that I can still turn this into a great production from what I have managed to capture.
- Standard of my Module 3 Blog-1
My view is that my blog is always up-to-date and very detailed in what I have done or achieved. Also I like many others like the colours that I have used as it really gives it a natural, park greenery look
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Weekly Progress
- Over the weekend, I have finally made a start on my editing.
- While I have been editing, I have found it very hard in that how I could make something out of all my footage, I knew I could, but how was the question. At the sametime I also realised that I still needed even more footage e.g. The Robin, I needed more. However I have managed to find a solution just by planning and organising the structure of my documentary. All I did is think of all the links that I could make and I came up with this:
1. Theme tune- 'Park Life, Wildlife at your backdoors'
2. Introduction to parks (using footage of the scenery)
- what is a park?
- what are parks made up of?
- About the programme series
3. Dawn time (begining of day- Dawn Chorus- Dawn footage)
4. Robins (because they are ususally the first birds to start the dawn chorus)
5. Blackbird (because I have good footage of blackbirds at dawn)
6. Carrion Crow -(link: because both have black plumage)
7. Magpie- (because it is a member of the Crow family)
8. The Tit family, Great and Blue- (because they link with the families idea, e.g. from Crow family to Tit family -link= family), then a shot quick shot of scenery to introduce next mini theme
9. Small flocks of Pigeons- (because to start the mini-theme of flocks, small flock)
10. Common Gulls- (because they are in large flocks)
11. Starlings- (largest flocks, specatacle in numbers, most abundant in whole of park)
12. Green Woodpecker- (because I am lucky to see a Green Woodpecker, good end to the birds section)
13. Grey Squirrel- (because its time to show that the park does not just play host to birds., mammals are their too)
14. Red Fox- (because its the other mammal, nighttime (began at dawn))
15. Summary of Rectory Park - (montage of birds/animals in the show+ shots of flowers, insects and sparkling water to demonstrate the idea that Winter is ending and Spring is coming)
- After create a strong plan, I have found it much easier to create my doc and I now have a strong idea of how to go around editing my documentary
- This coming week I intend to continue editing and also I MUST develop a script as one thing I have found hard to judge how long a scene is against a script. (So far, as I play my footage, I just minic what i may say to see if it may fit in). But by having a script ready, it will make like even easier.
Friday, 16 March 2007
Weekly Progress
- This week I completed my capturing.
- This week I started and finished capturing 2hours and a half worth of footage which in the end took up a whopping 21GB! From Monday to Thursday, I stayed after school until -5.30pm capturing the footage and now I have taken it home to start my editing. In other news this week, I opened up a mini audition for a male teacher to do my voiceover. I auditioned Mr.Bush, who I immediately ruled out, and then I did Mr.Monro, (who before i even started it was my favourite choice), and I ave chosen him purely because he has the best voice. I was intending to do other teachers such as Mr.Jones, however I felt that it was pointless after hearing Mr.Monro. I have chosen him mainly because he has the voice that I am looking for within the school. I feel that he will have to develop the way he says things and this is somehting that I will guide him as the voiceover is being done.
- Over the next week I intend to get a large proportion of my editing done. Also I need to develop my script, early enough so Mr.Monro has time to practice.
Sunday, 11 March 2007
Weekly Progress (week beginning 5th Feb 07)
- This week I have made a start with the editing process.
- On Friday, I stayed after school until 5.30pm, capturing my footage in school as I do not have a firewire port at home.
- This coming week I intended to finish capturing all 2 1/2 tapes by Wednesday/Thursday, so I can start editing at home.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Weekly Progress (week beginning 26th Feb 07)
- The work planned this week was to go out and capture the sound of the dawn chorus. I took the digital video camera and tripod as always, however this time I also took the external microphone as sound would be the main feature of this expidition.
- Friday 2nd March 07- On this day I went out in miday and just captured more footage of any wildlife I could get. Also I climbed up two small tree's and got a shoot from a tree. I also tried to climb up a tree to get a look at inside a birds nest, however it was impossible for me as for one, it was way to high, two, the branches are to thin and weak to hold me and three, I would be having to carrying a camera and tripod, meaning I would only be ble to use one hand to move around with, which is an impossible situation Sunday 4th March 07- This morning I woke up at 5.45pm and left and 6.15pm and stayed until 7pm. Apart from being freezing cold, it was a wonderful atmosphere to capture. Also a pair of Geese were flying around and adding to the dawn chorus mix. I also took the chance to re-shoot the 360 degrees shot, low angle shot of the trees and sky.
- Next week I intend to start my editing and first off all, as I do not have firewire port, I will have to capture all my footage, meaning that I will have to go through two full tapes and 20 mins of a third tape. After that I can take it home and start to construct it, develop a script and choose to do my voicover etc.