Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Self Evaluation

  • Attainment- -A

I feel that I have maintained my standards, although I also feel that I have had a little bad patch.

  • Effort- 1

I personally always give 100% in my work in all my work.

  • Punctuality - 1

I only came in late once, and that was coming from the park whenI was filming, otherwise, I am always on time for my lessons.

  • Submission and Quality of homework- 2

I feel that for the first time I have slipped at this section and I am extremely disappointed as this is one of my main strenghts in media

  • Ablilty to work independantly- 1

I am currently working on my own in my practical production hence this is one way of showing my ability to work independantly. But also I work well on my own because I can focus and get progress done with my work.

  • Quality of writing-1

I feel that as time has gone on I have improved in the quality of my writing in terms of using key concepts and analysing, however one thing I need to practice on and have lacked in most of my essays is concept flow.

  • Organisation of media folder-1

Currently I have organised 3 folders, one for Mrs.Stevens, one for Mr.Bush and the third solely for my Practical Production. Organisation is one of my main strenghts and I feel that I have always been able to find what I am looking for when I am going through my folder

  • Oral Contribution in the class-2

I feel that I do make a contribution, but not enough

  • Quality of Coursework-2

Currently I am at the editing stage and can't say much about the quality. In terms of cinematography, I feel that some areas I of high quality e.g. A close up shot of a Grey Squirrel, while areas of poor quality such as the shot involving Starlings on a rooftop (which I have taken out). Overall I feel I am progressing and I feel that I can still turn this into a great production from what I have managed to capture.

  • Standard of my Module 3 Blog-1

My view is that my blog is always up-to-date and very detailed in what I have done or achieved. Also I like many others like the colours that I have used as it really gives it a natural, park greenery look

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